Adding Content Delivery Network to your WordPress blog.

The most asked question from friends and colleagues is: “Do you really need $that?” The most given answer is: “No, but it sure is fun!” The same goes for adding a CDN (Content Delivery Network) to my personal blog that has a few 100 hits .. per month. Then why? Because I never stop learning. […]

The importance of feedback at Apple

I tend to run into people that encounter an issue with one of the operating systems Apple is offering, sometimes even something they face with hardware. Whether this is a bug; a regression; something designed to work in a specific way but doesn’t meet your method of working, provide feedback. Certainly when it comes down […]

I still want to install SHA-1 signed packages!

Something I ran into recently was the issue of signed keys and packages that needed to be installed on a server. In this case it was ‘rspamd’ that needed an update and was complaining about SHA-1 not being available. You can work around this error. This is discouraged. Even a signature from a years old […]